Tuesday 10 June 2014

Tips for a Successful Landing Page

Whenever you visit a website, many times you will see a landing page or squeeze page. A landing page is the page where a visitor arrives after clicking your ad. A lot of people mostly direct their PPC traffic to their homepage which is a big mistake. Landing pages are designed to give a more quality experience to the visitors and to increase conversion rate with by providing exactly what customers need. In order to build an attractive landing page, you can use quick website design that will help you get attention of visitors in short time. Following are the factors that you need to consider before using quick website design.
  • Goal- One of the most important things that you need to know before starting anything is to know the goal behind it and it is no different with making a landing page. You need to know what your visitors would do after reaching on the landing page of your website. You have to define your conversion before tracking the conversion.
  • Competition- It is pretty simple. You need to figure out your competitors, how do they succeed and how can you copy their success? What tricks are they using in their quick website design? Identify them and see what works for you.
  • Audience – identify your audience, what are they looking for? What are their aspirations? You need to understand your audience and cater to their needs and wants.
  • Landing page- It is important for any business to know where all visitors on your landing page came from. Considering where your traffic came from, you can even change the message. This will help you to get more business from your landing page.
If you wish to know more about landing pages, visit- http://www.flexisqueezedesign.info/. With the above mentioned points, you will be able to create an attractive landing page and you will be able to increase your conversion rate. It can prove to be a good source to increase traffic if you utilize it efficiently and effectively.

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